24.04.2012 | The Divinatory Mission of Chinese Writing and Textuality: How and Why to Perform Structural Analysis of the Zhou yi (Classic of Changes) Prof. Dr. Scott Davis (Miyazaki International College; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
08.05.2012 | Pursuing the Millennium. From the Chained Dragon to the Third Reich Dr. Julia Eva Wannenmacher (Humboldt Universität Berlin; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
15.05.2012 | Johann Adam Schall von Bell and the 'Superstitious' Chinese Calendar PD Dr. Claudia von Collani (Universität Münster; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
22.05.2012 | Templates for Philosophical Ideas. Diagrams in Song/Yuan Exegesis of the Classics Prof. Dr. Michael Lackner (IKGF Director) |
05.06.2012 | Fate, Poetry and Divination. On the Late OEuvre of Rainer Maria Rilke Prof. Dr. Christoph König (Universität Osnabrück; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… Watch Video… |
06.06.2012 | The oder archaeology of Victor Segalen (1878-1919):The Great Satuary of China Prof. Dr. Denis Thouard (Directeur de recherches, CNRS - Centre Marc Bloch, Centre franco - allemande de recherches en sciences sociales, Berlin; CNRS-EHESS, CRIA - Centre de recherches interdiciplinaires sur l Allemagne, Paris) |
12.06.2012 | Divining for Directions in Times of Trouble: Richard Wilhelm‘s I Ging (1924) and His Use of Divination in 1918-1920 Prof. Dr. Lauren Pfister (Hong Kong Baptist University) Listen online… |
19.06.2012 | Painting the Fate of Mankind – New Perspectives on Hieronymus Bosch's Master Triptychs Dr. Matthias Riedl (Central European University, Budapest; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… View Presentation… |
26.06.2012 | Visions of the Afterlife in Medieval German Literature Prof. Dr. Concetta Giliberto (Universitá di Palermo; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
03.07.2012 | Constructing Polarities in Early 20th Century China: The Case of Science and Superstition Prof. Dr. Iwo Amelung (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt a.M.; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
10.07.2012 | Divination and Scientific Prediction: The Epistemology of Prognostic Sciences in the Middle Ages Prof. Dr. Alexander Fidora (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
17.07.2012 | Wer ist zur Herrschaft geeignet? Strategien der dynastischen Legitimation im staufischen Süditalien * Dr. Cristina Andenna (Universität Dresden; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
26.07.2012 | Divination, Gender and Mantic Access Prof. Dr. Lisa Raphals (Advistory Board Member) |
Other Lectures
June 6, 2012
The other archaeology of Victor Segalen (1878-1919):
The Great Statuary of China
Prof. Dr. Denis Thouard (Directeur de recherche, CNRS - Centre Marc Bloch, Centre franco-allemand de recherches en sciences sociales, Berlin; CNRS-EHESS, CRIA - Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires sur l'Allemagne, Paris)