Lecture Series Summer 2019

30.04.2019 | Chan 禪 Narratives about Death Premonitions and Avoidance of Fate Mario Poceski (Buddhism and Chinese Religions, University of Florida; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Watch online... |
07.05.2019 | Figuristische Exegese als Bewältigungsstrategie innerkirchlicher Marginalisierung: Die Appellanten gegen die päpstliche Bulle Unigenitus (1713) lesen die Apokalypse [Figurative Exegesis as a Strategy for Coping with Marginalization within the Church: The Appellants against the Papal Bull Unigenitus (1713)
Read the Apocalypse] - Lecture in German, with English screen presentation Philipp Stenzig (Medieval and Early Modern History, University of Düsseldorf) |
21.05.2019 | Planetary Astrology in Medieval China and the Sassanian Connection David Pankenier (Chinese Studies, Lehigh University; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Watch online... |
28.05.2019 | Representations of Suicide between Fate and Freedom on the "Genoese" World Map of 1457 Gerda Brunnlechner (History of the Middle Ages, University of Hagen) |
04.06.2019 | Foundations of Decision-Making: Liberties, Liabilities, and Lies Joachim Gentz (Chinese Philosophy and Religion, University of Edinburgh) |
18.06.2019 | History as Prophecy: Alexander Minorita's Expositio in Apocalypsim Andrea Worm (Art History, University of Graz) Watch online... |
02.07.2019 | (Re-)Writing Fate: Predicting and Dealing with the Future in Chinese Character Divination Anne Schmiedl (Chinese Studies, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg) |
09.07.2019 | The Lingtai jing 靈臺經 (Scripture of the Imperial Observatory): Hellenistic Astrology in the Taoist Canon Wen Zhao (Buddhist Studies, Nankai University; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Watch online... |
16.07.2019 | Musical Numbers: Divining with Sound in the Late Warring States and Western Han Periods Noa Hegesh (East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin) |