Lecture Series Summer 2016

12.07.2016 | Alterity and Divination in the Roman Empire Diego Escámez de Vera (Ancient History, Complutense University of Madrid) Listen online… Watch online... |
05.07.2016 | A Han Dynasty Alternative to the Book of Changes:
Yang Xiong’s Taixuan jing (‘Canon of the Absolute Dark’, 2 BC) Nicolae Cristian Statu (Chinese Studies, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
28.06.2016 | High up in the Air: The Imagination of the Future and the Writing of ‘Flying’
in Early Chinese Science Fiction, 1902–1920 Rui Kunze (Chinese Culture and Society, University of St. Gallen; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… Watch online... |
21.06.2016 | Negotiating Fate in Late Antique Magic and Apocalyptic Texts Eduard Iricinschi (History of Ancient Christianity; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
14.06.2016 | Coping with the Future in the Ottonian Age (10th to early 11th centuries): Transcendence, Contingency and Lack of Herrschaftsrationalität Stefano Manganaro (Medieval History; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… Watch online... |
07.06.2016 | Taming the Future in the European Middle Ages?
Fate, fortuna, providentia Dei, resicum: Steps towards a History of Concept Gerrit Jasper Schenk (Medieval History, TU Darmstadt) |
31.05.2016 NEW TITLE |
Sovereignty Lies in Heaven: Confucian Revivalism and the Re-enchantment of China’s Political Order Joachim Kurtz (Intellectual History, Cluster of Excellence “Asia and Europe in a Global Context”, Heidelberg University) Watch online... |
24.05.2016 NEW TITLE |
"The Love of Many Will Grow Cold": Eschatology and the membra antichristi in the Letters of Pope Gregory VII Philip Jany (Medieval History, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… Watch online... |
03.05.2016 | Divination under Mongol Rule (13th–14th centuries): Inner and East Asian Connections Francesca Fiaschetti (Martin Buber Society of Fellows, Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Listen online… Watch online... |
26.04.2016 | From Divination to Cartography: ‘Cosmograph’ (shi 式) Boards in Early China and ‘Cosmograph’-Tailored Maps in Late East Asia Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann (UMR 8173 Chine-Corée-Japon, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… Watch online... |
19.04.2016 | Tommaso Campanella’s The City of the Sun (La città del Sole, 1602) as the Model for a Society Governed by Astrology Peter Forshaw (Center for History of Hermetic Philosophy and Related Currents, University of Amsterdam) Listen online… Watch online... |
12.04.2016 | Divination and the Discursive Modality of Doing Religion Adam Yuet Chau (Anthropology of Modern China, University of Cambridge) Listen online… Watch online... |