IKGF Lecture Series

Registration for Online Participation


Please register below to participate in the IKGF lecture series online.

After registration, we will send you an email with the link for online participation.

On the day of each lecture, you will receive an invitation by email (which also will include the required link).

Lecture Series Schedule Summer 2021

20 April 2021 “Sudden, Unexpected, and Contrary to All Calculation”: Coping with Plague in Antiquity
Karl-Heinz Leven (History and Ethics of Medicine; Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg)
4 May 2021 Fatal Futures: Prophecy and Its Narrative Function in Middle High German Literature around 1200
Lea Braun (Medieval German Literature; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
18 May 2021 The Layman and the Spirit-Writing Altar: Peng Shaosheng (1740–96) and the Historiography of Divine Communication
Daniel Burton-Rose (Chinese History; IKGF Visiting Fellow)
1 June 2021 Tales of Success and Failure: Predictive Dreams of Imperial Examinations in Qing xiaoshuo Literature
Aude Lucas-Lesain (Chinese Literature; Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie orientale, Paris; IKGF Visiting Fellow)
15 June 2021 Escaping the Epistemic Trap: Problemata Literature and Astrological Prognostication
Henrique Leitão (History of Science; Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia, Lisbon)
29 June 2021 On the Reception and Rejection of Geomantic Divination in Early Modern French and Spanish Literature
Hannah Schlimpen (Romance Philology; Universität Trier)
13 July 2021 Philologisch-hermeneutische Bemerkungen zur Textkonstitution des Zhouyi [Lecture in German]
Na Schädlich (History of Hermeneutics; Universität Osnabrück; IKGF Visiting Fellow)