Newsletter Subscription
Subscription form for the biannual newsletter of the Research Consortium. The newsletter announces upcoming events and discusses current research threads. It will be sent to subscribers by e-mail as a pdf-attachment. It will also be available for download on this website.
Current Issue

IKGF-fate 18th issue : 07|21
- Special Event: Exhibition ''Signs of the Future"
- Focus: Conference on the Future of Prognostics
- Lecture Series: SS 2019

IKGF-fate 17th issue : 08|20

IKGF-fate 16th issue : 12|19

IKGF-fate 15th issue : 06|19

IKGF-fate 14th issue : 12|18

IKGF-fate 13th issue : 06|18

IKGF-fate 12th issue : 09|17
- Focus: The IKGF-Handbook Project "Prophecy and Prognostication in Medieval European and Mediterranean Societies
- Conferences | Workshops: Horoscopy across Civilizations: Comparative Approaches to Western, Indian, and Chinese Astrology and Chronomancy
- Project: Accounting for Uncertainty - Joint Project with the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

IKGF-fate 11th issue : 01|17

IKGF-fate 10th issue : 04|16

IKGF-fate 9th issue : 09|15

IKGF-fate 8th issue : 01|15
- Main issue: Report about events and conferences in winter semester 2012/13, summer semester 2013, and winter semester 2013/14.
- Bibliographies as a Mirror of the Research at the Consortium
- Book Launch: On the Publication of ‘Joachim of Fiore and the Influence of Inspiration. Essays in Memory of Marjorie Reeves’, Julia Eva Wannenmacher (ed.)

IKGF-fate 6th issue : 04|13

IKGF-fate 5th issue : 08|12
- Focus: Comprehensive Online Bibliography on "Fate, Freedom and Prognostication"
- Conference: Gao Xingjian: Freedom, Fate, and Prognostication
- International Conference: "Divinatory Traditions in East Asia: Historical, Comparative and Transnational Perspectives"
English Version
Deutsche Version
Elena Esposito: A Time of Divination and A Time of Risk: Social Preconditions for Prophecy and Prediction (Selected Lecture)
English Text
Deutscher Text

IKGF-fate 4th issue : 01|12

IKGF-fate 3rd issue : 06|11

IKGF-fate 2nd issue : 01|11