04.02.2014 | Prophecy and International Politics in Early Modern Bavaria (1685-1730) Dr. Lionel Laborie (School of History, Goldsmiths College, University of London; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
28.01.2014 | Prognoses of Decline - Coping with the Future. Reforms in 19th Century Theravada Buddhism in Myanmar Prof. Dr. Andreas Nehring (Lehrstuhl für Religions- und Missionswissenschaft, FAU; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
14.01.2014 | On the Fei Guoyu 非国语 of Liu Zongyuan 柳宗元 (773-819) Prof. Dr. Reinhard Emmerich (Institut für Sinologie und Ostasienkunde, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster) Lecture cancelled |
07.01.2014 | Doubting the Stars: Critical Views on Traditional ′Science′ in Early Modern Japan Prof. Dr. Matthias Hayek (Université Paris-Diderot; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
17.12.2013 | Rise and Fall of Prognostic Astrology in Scientific Paradigms of Early Modern Europe Prof. Dr. Walter Sparn (Lehrstuhl für Systematische Theologie I (Dogmatik), Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) |
16.12. BOOK LAUNCH |
Die mantischen Künste und die Epistemologie prognostischer Wissenschaften im Mittelalter Prof. Dr. Alexander Fidora (Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Former IKGF Visiting Fellow) Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Johannes Fried (Mittelalterliche Geschichte, Johann Wolfgang Goethe- Universität Frankfurt am Main; IKGF Advisory Board) Prof. Dr. Klaus Herbers (Mittelalterliche Geschichte und historische Hilfswissenschaften, FAU; IKGF Deputy Director) Watch Video... |
10.12.2013 | Translation and Adaption:
The Continuous Interplays between Chinese Astrology and Foreign Culture Prof. Dr. Chang Che-chia (Academia Sinica, Taiwan; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
19.11.2013 | Understanding the History of Astrology (and Magic) Accurately:
Methodological Reflections on Terminology and Anachronism Dr. Darrel Rutkin (PhD Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Indiana University, Bloomington; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
12.11.2013 | Morality and Freedom in Early Daoist Communities Prof. Dr. Terry Kleeman (Department of Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Colorado Boulder; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
05.11.2013 | Alfons der Weise (1252-1284) und die Astrologie (Lecture in German) Prof. Dr. Carlos Estepa Díez (Instituto de Historia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC); IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
22.10.2013 | Knowledge and Foreknowledge Extrapolation in First-Second Century China:
Remnants of the Spring & Autumn Weft Profundity and Remoteness Dr. Grégoire Espesset (Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l′Asie orientale (CRCAO), Collège de France; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… View Slides… |