Lecture Series Winter 2019-20

12.11.2019 | Simon Marius: A Seventeenth-Century Franconian Court Mathematicus Thony Christie (History of Science; Simon Marius Society/The Renaissance Mathematicus blog) Watch online... |
26.11.2019 | The Mataliʿ al-saʿ adet (Book of Felicity), 1582: Time and Fortune in the Early Modern Ottoman World Sara Nur Yildiz (Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations; Max Planck Institute for the History of Science) |
03.12.2019 | Health and Hemerology in the Ancient Near East Vérène Chalendar (Assyriology; CNRS research unit "Proche-Orient—Caucase: Langues, Archéologie, Cultures"; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Watch online... |
17.12.2019 | Forged Prophecies: Liu Ji’s 劉基 Shaobing ge 燒餅歌 and Late-Qing Anti-Manchu Sentiment Phillip Grimberg (Chinese Studies; Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Watch online... |
07.01.2020 | New Varieties of fengyu zhan 風雨占 (Prognostication of Winds and Rain) in Seventeenth-Century China Zhang Qiong (Chinese History; Wake Forest University; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Watch online... |
14.01.2020 | Modes of Prophecy in Medieval Jewish Mysticism Michael Miller (Theology, Philosophy, and Religious Studies; Liverpool Hope University; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Watch online... |
21.01.2020 | Fate and Space in China: Spheres of Validity Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer (Chinese Studies; Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen) Watch online... |
28.01.2020 | Calculating the Length of Life in Western Medieval Astrology: Methods and Social Attitudes Helena Avelar de Carvalho (Medieval Studies and History of Science; Warburg Institute, University of London; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Watch online... |