Lecture Series Summer 2021

Time: Tuesdays, 6:15 pm–7:45 pm CEST (US East Coast: 12:15 pm–1:45 pm EDT; China: 0:15 am–1:45 am CST)
Registration for online participation: http://ikgf.fau.de/lectures
20 April 2021 | “Sudden, Unexpected, and Contrary to All Calculation”: Coping with Plague in Antiquity Karl-Heinz Leven (History and Ethics of Medicine; Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg) |
4 May 2021 | Fatal Futures: Prophecy and Its Narrative Function in Middle High German Literature around 1200 Lea Braun (Medieval German Literature; Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) |
18 May 2021 | The Layman and the Spirit-Writing Altar: Peng Shaosheng (1740–96) and the Historiography of Divine Communication Daniel Burton-Rose (Chinese History; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
1 June 2021 | Tales of Success and Failure: Predictive Dreams of Imperial Examinations in Qing xiaoshuo Literature Aude Lucas-Lesain (Chinese Literature; Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie orientale, Paris; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
15 June 2021 | Escaping the Epistemic Trap: Problemata Literature and Astrological Prognostication Henrique Leitão (History of Science; Centro Interuniversitário de História das Ciências e da Tecnologia, Lisbon) |
29 June 2021 | On the Reception and Rejection of Geomantic Divination in Early Modern French and Spanish Literature Hannah Schlimpen (Romance Philology; Universität Trier) |
13 July 2021 | Philologisch-hermeneutische Bemerkungen zur Textkonstitution des Zhouyi [Lecture in German] Na Schädlich (History of Hermeneutics; Universität Osnabrück; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |