08.07.2014 | A Buddhist Temple Oracle?
The Use of the Guanding jing 灌頂經 for Ritual Performances in Early Medieval China Prof. Dr. Sylvie Hureau (École Pratique des Hautes Études, Paris) Listen online… |
01.07.2014 | Time, Position, Action: The Philosophy of Divination in the Yijing Prof. Dr. Hon Tze-ki (Department of History, SUNY-Geneseo, New York; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
17.06.2014 | (BOOK LAUNCH) Pilgrimage and Prophecy. Joachim of Fiore, Marjorie E. Reeves and the long-lasting Influence of Inspiration Julia Eva Wannenmacher (ed.): Joachim of Fiore and the Influence of Inspiration. Essays in Memory of Marjorie E. Reeves (1905-2003) (Church, Faith and Culture in the Medieval West), Farnham [et al.] 2013. Dr. Julia Eva Wannenmacher (Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften, HU Berlin; Former IKGF Visiting Fellow); Prof. Dr. Berndt Hamm (em.) (Lehrstuhl für Kirchengeschichte II (Neuere Kirchengeschichte), FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg Listen online… |
27.05.2014 | Correlating the Yijing and Modern Science: the Case of Liu Zihua 刘子华 (1899-1992) Dr. Stéphanie Homola (PhD École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
20.05.2014 | Fate, Cult and the Formulation of the Early Enumeration of Hell-Kings Dr. Frederick Chen (DPhil Oriental Studies, University of Oxford; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
13.05.2014 | Determining Fate in Chinese Art during the Ming and Early Qing Period (1400-1700) Dr. Ning Yao (Institute of East Asian Art History, Heidelberg University; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
06.05.2014 | The Uncrowned King and his Prophecy:
Confucius and the Making of Dynastic Fate in the 1st Century CE China Dr. Zhao Lu (PhD Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
29.04.2014 | Survey of Divination Practices in the Tibetan Tradition Prof. Dr. Donatella Rossi (Department of Oriental Studies, Sapienza University of Rome; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
15.04.2014 | Longevity, Fate, and Reflexivity Among China's Southern Sacred Mountain Pilgrims Prof. Dr. Robert André LaFleur (Department of History and Anthropology, Beloit College, Wisconsin; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |
08.04.2014 | Lifespan, Evolution and Fate: Human and Animal in China and Greece Prof. Dr. Lisa Raphals (University of California, Riverside; National University of Singapore; IKGF Visiting Fellow) Listen online… |