Tuesdays, 6:15 p.m. – 7:45 p.m.
10.01.2012 | Cosmology, Taoism, and Alchemy in the Cantong qi 参同契 Prof. Dr. Fabrizio Pregadio (Stanford University; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
17.01.2012 | 'Who Runs Now Runs in Vain' – A Historical and Anthropological Inquiry into the Apocalyptic Disposition Dr. Matthias Riedl (Central European University, Budapest; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
24.01.2012 | Perspectives on Fate in the Mahâbhârata Dr. Sven Sellmer (Adam-Mickiewicz-University, Posen; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
31.01.2012 | Understanding is within One's Grasp – Hand Mnemonics, Prognostication and Chinese Arts of Memory Prof. Dr. Marta Hanson (Johns Hopkins University; IKGF Visiting Fellow) |
07.02.2012 | Storia e fine dei tempi in diagrammi e simboli. Il caso di Gioacchino da Fiore (†1202) Geschichte und Endzeit in Diagrammen und Symbolen. Der Fall Joachims von Fiore (†1202) Dr. Marco Rainini (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore – Mailand) (Lecture in Italian with German print version) |
Sitzungssaal im Altbau der Universitätsbibliothek
(Universitätsstraße 4, 91054 Erlangen)
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