Medieval Manuscripts on Divination and Prognostication: Prognostica medica attribuita a Michele Scoto.
Volgarizzamenti italiani del "De urinis" e del "De diebus lune"; Textes médiévaux de spatulimancie.
Chiromancies Anglo-Normandes
Prof. Dr. Stefano Rapisarda
Università di Catania, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia, Corso di Laurea di Scienza dei Beni Culturali, Romance Philology
Research stay: September 2010 – February 2011 / September 2011 – February 2012
Prof. Dr. Rapisarda began his stay at the consortium on September 15th, 2010.
During his first period of research he completed the following article for publication:
- From the Tractatus contra astronomos judiciarios (1349) to the Livre de divinacions (1356). Nicole Oresme Lost in Translation, Atti del Convegno "CIÈNCIA I SOCIETAT A LA CORONA D'ARAGÓ / SCIENCE AND SOCIETY IN THE CROWN OF ARAGON", 20-22 d'octubre de 2009, Publicacions de l'Abadia de Montserrat, in press.
Furthermore, he has been working on the following forthcoming books:
- (in cooperation with Pasquale Musso, Universita di Palermo), Prognostica medica attribuita a Michele Scoto. Volgarizzamenti italiani del “De urinis” e del “De diebus lune” in which he has been editing, introducing and commenting three treatises about diagnosis and prognostication through the observation of Urines, attributed to the famous scientist and philosoper of Frederick's Court (fortcoming, summer 2011).
- Textes médiévaux de spatulimancie, Édités par Charles Burnett et Stefano Rapisarda, which collects a corpus of treatise about shoulder-bones prognostication written in Medieval Europe (fortcoming, spring 2011).
- Magic and Divination at the Court of Frederick the II, forthcoming, spring 2013.
Finally he has been planning his workshop/seminar about “Die großen Bücher der Mittelalterlichen Wahrsagung (und der Anti-Wahrsagung)” / “The Big Books of Divination (and Anti-Divination)” which will be be held in Erlangen in spring 2012.
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