Political Prophecies in the Middle Ages

May 18, 2012

Convenor: Prof. Hannes Möhring

The European Middle Ages were an era in which many predictions concerning the progress of history – causing both fears and hopes – were circulating. Their contents were often associated with the description of the expected end of times. These prophecies were often widespread, sometimes across centuries.

The workshop will focus, on the one hand, on the question of the political and religious objectives and implications of medieval apocalyptic prophecies, and thus also on the question of their timeliness and distribution at the time. Furthermore, the functioning of end-time scenarios in these prophecies and the fluctuations of strength in eschatological expectations will be considered. In that context, ninth-century Byzantium and the Christians of the Near East in the seventh century will also be taken into account, apart from the Christian West.


(Lectures will be in German)

9.00 Begrüßung
Wie politisch sind politische Weissagungen? Überlegungen zu mittelalterlichen Prophetien
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schmolinsky (Erfurt)
Propagandaversionen byzantinischer apokalyptischer Texte in der ersten Hälfte des 9. Jahrhunderts
Prof. Dr. Wolfram Brandes (Frankfurt a.M.)
11:00 Kaffeepause
Macht – Religion – Politik: Joachim von Fiore, Prophet oder Ketzer
Dr. Julia Eva Wannenmacher (IKGF Erlangen)
Apokalyptik und Gewalt – Neue Perspektiven auf Thomas Müntzers Fürstenpredigt
Dr. Matthias Riedl (IKGF Erlangen)
12:30 – 13:30 Mittagspause
Celebrating the future. Trinitarian visions in Western liturgy during the twelfth and thirteenth centuries
Dr. Charles Caspers (Nijmegen)
Aktualität und Zeitrechnung der Weissagung des Pseudo-Methodius
PD Dr. Hannes Möhring (IKGF Erlangen)
15:30 Kaffeepause
Politische Weissagungen in der mittelalterlichen Historiografie (12./13. Jahrhundert)
Hans-Christian Lehner (IKGF Erlangen)
Eschatologische Prophetie im Mittelalter: Ein Mittel “politischer” Kommunikation?
Prof. Dr. Felicitas Schmieder (Hagen)
18:00 Ende der Veranstaltung


IKGF Seminar Room
Ulrich-Schalk-Straße 3a – 91056 Erlangen


Conference Flyer (254 KB)
Conference Poster A3 (266 KB)


For more information, please contact Hans Christian Lehner at Hans_Christian.Lehner@ikgf.uni-erlangen.de.