Gao Xingjian - A Documentary (2012)

Length: 31min 05sec

During the research stay of former IKGF visiting fellow, Prof. Dr. Donatella Rossi (Sapienza Univ. of Rome), who worked on the ancient Tibetan Zhang Zhung Ju thig divination system, Tibetan Bon-master Lopon Trinley Nyima Rinpoche was invited to a two-week research visit at the IKGF. Since 1992, Venerable Trinley Nyima Rinpoche has been the appointed Lopon (Head Teacher) of the Bon Dialectic School in Dolanji, India, which is the Bon religion’s major institution of higher education in exile. During his stay, a video featuring an interview on Zhang Zhung Ju thig and other Tibetan divination methods, as well as an actual divination carried out by him, was produced.

Keywords: IKGF, Chinese Studies, Documentary, Erlangen, Konferenz, Michael Lackner, Mable Lee, Gao Xingjian
Speakers: Gao Xingjian, Prof. Dr. Michael Lackner, Prof. Mable Lee
Language: English, French, Chinese
Nature of Event: Documentary, Conference
Customer: IKGF
Producer: Hans-Christian Lehner, Dr. Erik Niblaeus
Camera: Roman de Giuli, Martin Herold, Quirin Koch