Research Project


Medieval Latin Translations of Works on Astronomy and Astrology, Early Medieval Latin Astrological Prognostica

Prof. Dr. Charles Burnett

Warburg Institute, London
Research stay: June – July 2011

Lectures at the IKGF:

  • The Place of Divinatory Sciences in Arabic and Latin Divisions of Knowledge, Annual Conference 2011.

Medieval Latin Translations of Works on Astronomy and Astrology' and 'The Astrological Library of John of Gmunden'
'The Place of the Divinatory Sciences in Arabic and Latin Divisions of Knowledge' and 'Astrologers and their Clients'

Burnett will be working on the 'Medieval Latin translations of works on astronomy and astrology' with David Juste. That ambitious project brings into one place information on all Latin works on the science of the stars that are translations from other languages, and lists, as far as possible, all the manuscripts and printed editions of each work. As an off-shoot of this work I shall be preparing papers on 'The Astrological Library of John of Gmunden', 'The Place of the Divinatory Sciences in Arabic and Latin Divisions of Knowledge' and 'Astrologers and their Clients'.

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