Encomapassing Continents and Epochs - Research Trajectories of the IKGF (2012)
Length: 5min 42sec
A Portrait of Prof. Michael Lackner (Director IKGF)
Prof. Lackner, director of the IKGF, envisions in this interview research trajectories of the IKGF. He elaborates on the Chinese reception of Western academia in the 19th and 20th centuries on the one hand, and on the other the significance and role of prognostic techniques in the history of Europe, the USA and China.
"Fate, Freedom and Prognostication" in the Middle Ages (2012)
Length: 5min 42sec
A Portrait of Prof. Herbers (First Deputy Director IKGF)
At the IKGF, Sinology and Medieval History meet both bringing in the history and tradition of their respective subjects. As different as these sciences are, they are dealing with the topic of the Consortium, “Fate, Freedom and Prognostication”, from their own perspectives. Klaus Herbers, director of the Medieval History Department at the FAU, reviews the academic research of the Consortium to date, also stating the forthcoming aims and anticipated results of the cooperation between Sinology and History.
Philosophers and "Mythistories" (2012)
Length: 5min 25sec
A Portrait of Lionel Jensen
In this short film, Lionel Jensen reports on his early academic career, his research focus on the “intellectual history of China” and his time as a Visiting Fellow at the IKGF in 2011. In his research on the oeuvre and heritage of the Confucian scholar Zhu Xi (1130-1200) – one of the most popular Chinese philosophers besides Confucius - he investigates how intellectuals were involved in divination and mythology. Through this relecture, the classification of a “Chinese intellectual” acquires fresh dimensions beyond those classically ascribed to philosophers and intellectuals.