Signs of the Future
09-10 February 2021
Klaus Herbers(IKGF Erlangen)
Hans-Christian Lehner(IKGF Erlangen)

Workshop Venue
Online via Zoom
9 February, 2021
1:00 p. m. | Welcome Address
Michael Lackner (Erlangen),Klaus Herbers (Erlangen) |
1:15 p. m. | Dum illum utero gestaret. The premonitory dreams of saint’s mothers in Latin hagiography
Patrick Henriet (Paris) |
Sepe verum somiant, qui presunt populis. The dubious
veracitiy of dreams
Albert Schirrmeister (Paris) |
2:45 p. m. | Break
3:15 p. m. | Kurienkardinäle und Prälaten beim Wahrsager (XIII. Jahrhundert)
Agostino Paravicini-Bagliani (Fribourg) |
Träume, Visionen und Politik im karolingischen Europa
Klaus Herbers (Erlangen) |
4:45 p. m. | Break
5:15 p. m. | Signs from the Afterlife. Consulting the Dead
about the Future in Medieval Times
Matthias Heiduk (Erlangen) |
Natural Signs and Spiritual Signs as Medieval Classroom Issues
Anke Holdenried (Bristol) |
10 February, 2021
9:00 a. m. | Signs of the future. Rainbow, shooting stars, and halos in pre-modern Arabic sources
Petra Schmidl (Erlangen) |
Between astrological divination and local knowledge: Prognostics and „epignostics“ related to natural disasters in the Middle Ages
Christian Rohr (Bern) |
10:30 a. m. | Break
11:00 a. m. | Analogy at work in Medieval and Early Modern Western divination techniques: astrology, geomancy, chiromancy, scapulomancy, avimancy.
Stefano Rapisarda (Catania) |
Alternative lots - patterns of a classical tool supporting decision-making
Michael Grünbart (Münster) |
12:30 a. m. | Break
2:00 p. m. | Beware when Sirius is in the sky! Thinking about the Dog Days in early medieval Europe
Carine van Rhijn (Utrecht) |
Weather Forecasting in Medieval Bohemia
Barbora Kocánová (Prag) |
3:30 p. m. | Break
4:00 p. m. | Strange Events and Shaky Ground. On Earthquakes, Matthew Paris and 'Solid Facts'
Manuel Kamenzin (Bochum/Erlangen) |
Signa, cometes, monstra und das Ende der Geschichte in Hartmann Schedels Liber chronicarum
Andrea Worm (Tübingen) |
Concluding Remarks
International Consortium for Research in the Humanities
"Fate, Freedom and Prognostication. Strategies for Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe."
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
Hartmannstr. 14
91052 Erlangen
Telefon: +49 (0)9131 85 - 64340
Fax: +49 (0)9131 85 - 64360