Divination and Fengshui in Korea
November 9, 2012
Joint Workshop together with the Templeton "Science and Religion in East Asia" Project, Science Culture Research Center, Seoul National University
Workshop Flyer (156 KB)
9:00 a.m. | Michael Lackner (Director IKGF): Welcome Address |
9:15 a.m. | Jun Yong Hoon (Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies, SNU): An Introduction of Western Horoscopic Astrology in Korea Responding: Marc Kalinowski (CNRS/EPHE, Paris) |
10:15 a.m. | Coffee Break |
10:30 a.m. | Kim Yung Sik (Seoul National University): Chong Yak-yong’s (1762-1836) Views on the Yijing Divination Responding: Marion Eggert (Univ. Bochum) |
11:30 a.m. | Oh Sang Hak (Jeju National University): The Shape Theory (形局論) of Feng Shui: A Case Study of Jeju Island, Korea Responding: Marion Eggert (Univ. Bochum) |
12:30 p.m. | Lunch Break |
2:00 p.m. | Song Xiaokun, M.A. (IKGF Research Assistant): Junior Scholar Report: Ongoing PhD Project "Fengshui in Contemporary China" |
2:30 p.m. | Her Yoon Seop (Seoul National University): Reforms of the Divination Section (命課學) of the Royal Bureau of Astronomy in Eighteenth Century Korea Responding: Richard J. Smith (Rice University) |
3:30 p.m. | Park Kwon Soo (Chungbuk National University): Choosing the Auspicious Day and Site for the Royal Ceremony in Eighteenth Century Korea Responding: Richard J. Smith (Rice University) |
4:30 p.m. | Coffee Break |
4:45 p.m. | Final Discussion |
6:00 p.m. | End |
Internationales Kolleg für Geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung (IKGF)
Ulrich-Schalk-Strasse 3a
91056 Erlangen
3rd floor – Conference Room
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For more information, please contact Esther-Maria Guggenmos at Esther-Maria.Guggenmos@ikgf.uni-erlangen.de.