Branch Opening Ceremony at the Senatssaal, Schloß (Main University Building, Erlangen)
March 18, 2013
The IKGF and the IKGF cooperation partner, the Center of Zhouyi & Ancient Chinese Philosophy at Shandong University, agreed on opening mutual branches at their respective institutions. The aim of opening branch offices is to facilitate, strengthen, and increase the visibility of the existing research cooperation comprising the continuation of the exchange of visiting scholars and research results.
Report of our Chinese partners on the Branch Opening
WELCOME SPEECH of the President of the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Prof. Karl-Dieter Grüske (ln German. Chinese Translation: Ms. Song Xiaokun, M.A.) of the Vice-President of Shandong University, Prof. Chen Yan 陈炎 (ln Chinese. German Translation: Ms. Song Xiaokun, M.A.) of the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Theology, Prof. Heidrun Stein-Kecks (ln German. Chinese Translation: Ms. Song Xiaokun, M.A.) of the Vice Director of the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, Erlangen, Prof. Klaus Herbers (ln German. Chinese Translation: Ms. Song Xiaokun, M.A.) |
LECTURE of the Director of the Center of Zhouyi & Ancient Chinese Philosophy, Prof. Liu Dajun 劉大鈞 孔子与《易》占 - Konfuzius und die Prognostik des „Buchs der Wandlungen" (ln Chinese. German version available in print) of the Director of the International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, Erlangen, Prof. Michael Lackner Prognostik in China und Europa – 中国与欧洲的预测看法 (ln German. Chinese version available in print) |
PRESENTATION A Short Review of the Research Exchange between the Two Cooperation Partners, Dr. Esther-Maria Guggenmos, Research Coordination, IKGF Erlangen (ln English) |
SIGNING of the Agreement and Exchange of Doorplates |
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