"Daniel and the Duke of Zhou": A Multidiciplinary Discussion Forum for the Study of Dream Divination
Dr. Lászlò Sándor Chardonnens and Dr. Dimitri Drettas
Erlangen, November 3, 2010
In line with recent collaborative research activities at the IKGF, Lászlò Sándor Chardonnens and Dimitri Drettas are writing a joint article on dream prognostics books in China and Western Europe. Dream prognostics books predict the future by interpreting the significsnce of dream images. the article focuses on the methodologicals issues attending a comparative study. For instance, instance, in both textual traditions, these books interpret dreams about dragons favorably, but the dragon itself has different cultural reference points in East Asia and Western Europea. In this first multidisciplinary discussion forum at the consortium, the speakers present their research and invite the audience to engage in an actvive dialogue on the methodology of a comparative study and the significance of chronological, linguistic, lexical, structural, and concepual asymetries.
Read also the Focus in the IKGF-fate 2nd issue : 01|11