Usages du Livre du Changement (Zhouyi) sous les Song

Organisateurs: Pr. Anne Cheng, Pr. Stéphane Feuillas et Pr. Michael Lackner
November 21-22, 2013
Salle Claude Lévi-Strauss
52, rue du Cardinal Lemoine,
75005 Paris
Jeudi 21 novembre 2013, 09h00 - 15 h 00
09h00 | Ouverture Anne Cheng, Stéphane Feuillas et Michael Lackner |
The Song Context and the Yijing CHAIR: Frédéric Wang, INALCO, Centre Chine | |
09h30 | Research on the Zhouyi under the Song Dynasty and the Hexagrams of the Change Liu Hsiang-kwang 劉祥光, Department of History, Chengchih University, Taipei |
10h30 | Pause |
Northern Song Hermeneutics I CHAIR: Frédéric Wang, INALCO, Centre Chine |
10h45 | Diagrams and the Yijing: Liu Mu and his Yishu gouyin tu Stéphane Feuillas, Université Paris Diderot, CRCAO |
11h45 | Pause déjeuner |
Northern Song Hermeneutics II CHAIR: Frédéric Wang, INALCO, Centre Chine |
14h00 | A Fundamental Resource: Uses and Functions of the Zhouyi in Zhou Dunyi’s Works Maud M’Bondjo, CRCAO |
15h00 | Some Remarks on the Chapter on the Great Changes(Da Yi pian) in Zhang Zai’s Discipline for Beginners Michael Lackner, International Consortium for Research in the Humanities, Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen-Nürnberg |
Vendredi 22 novembre 2013, 09h00 - 16h15
The Zhouyi and the Lixue CHAIR: Peter K. Bol, Harvard University |
9h00 | On the “Quality of Hexagrams” in Cheng Yi’s Studies
on the Zhouyi Zhang Kebin 张克宾, Center for Zhouyi & Ancient Chinese Philosophy, Shandong University, Jinan, China |
10h00 | Pause |
10h15 | L’interprétation selon Zhu Xi de la phrase du « Xici » :
« Un Yin, un Yang, c’est ce qu’on appelle le Dao. Ce qui suit, c’est le bien ; ce qu’il constitue, c’est la nature » Roger Darrobers, Université Paris Ouest Nanterre, CRCAO |
11h15 | Zhen Dexiu’s Uses of the Zhouyi in Political, Social and Religious Spheres Liao Hsien-huei 廖咸惠, Institute of History, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan |
12h15 | Pause déjeuner |
Divination and the Zhouyi CHAIR : Michael Lackner, IKGF, Friedrich-Alexander University |
14h00 | How the Scholar Shao Yong (1012-1077) Became a Diviner (in Spite of Himself?) Alain Arrault, EFEO, Centre d’étude sur la Chine moderne et contemporaine, EHESS |
15h00 | The Principle and Significance of Divination in the Zhouyi and its Popular Application in Contemporary China Zhang Wenzhi 张文智, Center for Zhouyi & Ancient Chinese Philosophy, Shandong University, Jinan, China |
16h00 | Pause |
16h15 | General discussion and further topics |