6 - 15 April 2010: Academic Visit to China


Tuesday, April 6th, to Thursday, April 15, 2010, Jinan (Shandong), Beijing

First Academic Visit of the International Consortium to China


1. Colloqium at the Center for Zhouyi Studies and Ancient Chinese Philosophy, Shandong University (易学与中国古代哲学研究中心, 山东大学)

 "The Classic of Changes and Chinese Mantic Traditions"

April 8th, 2010

Mutual introduction by the directors of the respective institutions, Prof. Liu Dajun (刘大钧教授), Prof. Dr. M. Lackner and Prof. Dr. K. Herbers and first exchange led to cooperation agreement.


2. Symposium at the School of Philosophy and Social Development/Center for Judaic and Inter-Religious Studies of Shandong University (哲学与社会发展学院/犹太教与跨宗教研究中心)

April 9th, 2010

  • Introduction of the Consortium

    Michael Lackner (IKGF)

  • "Eckhart und die Anfänge der deutschen Philosophie im Westlichen Mittelalter" (Eckhart and the Beginnings of the German Philosophy in the Western Middle Ages; Eckhart 和西方中世纪德国哲学的开始) - lecture in German and Chinese

    Loris Sturlese (Lecce)

  • "Prognostische Elemente in Bischof Wulfstans und Abt Aelfwines Gebetsbüchern aus dem 11. Jahrhundert" (Prognostic Elements in Bishop Wulfstan's and Abbot Aelfwine's 11th Centuries Prayerbooks; 预测和祷告在盎格鲁萨克逊的英格兰) - lecture in German and Chinese

    Dominik Kuhn (IKGF)


3. Symposium at the Department of History of the Capital Normal University (首都师范大学)

 多民族宗教與預測研究國際學術研討會 ("Multireligious and International Approaches to the Study of Prognostication")

April 12th, 2010

  • Introduction to the Consortium

    Michael Lackner (IKGF)

  • "A new framework for old problems. The meaning of the Han 'Confucian Turn' as exemplified in legal argument" - lecture in Chinese

    Michael Lüdke (IKGF)

  • "An Introduction to the Material Setting of Divination in Medieval Western Europe" - lecture in English

    Laszlo Sandor Chardonnens (Radboud Univ. Nijmegen, IKGF Fellow)

  • "再谈“想因说” —张凤翼在其《梦占类考》(1585)中所发表的解释" (More on "xiangyin theory" - Zhang Fengyi's interpretation as expressed in his Classified Survey of Dream Prognostications 'Mengzhan leikao') - lecture in Chinese

    Dimitri Drettas (Paris, IKGF)

  • A tentative study on ancient Chinese People's ideas about the future after death - taking cultural relics from the tomb of Marquis Yi of Zeng State (433 BC) as an example - lecture in English

    Prof. Dr. Li Feng

  • 萨满信仰中的占卜及预测 (Divinatory Practices and Prognostication in Shamanic Belief) - lecture in Chinese

    Wang Wei 王伟(Ph.D Cand, Dept. of Philosophy, Capital Normal University)


4. Visit to the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences - Institute of World Religions (中国社会科学院,宗教所)

 学术讲座。题目:"文化多样性下的预测学研究" (Academic series of lectures on the Topic: "Research on Prognostication in a Multicultural Context")

April 13th, 2010

  • "命运,能动性及预测:东亚文化和欧洲文化中的应对策略" ("Fate, Freedom and Pronostication. Strategies for Coping with the Future in East Asia and Europe") - lecture in Chinese

    Michael Lackner (IKGF)

  • "Mirakel und Magie - Entwicklungstendenzen im lateinischen und christlichen Europa" (Miracle and Magic. Trends of Development in Latin and Christian Europe; 奇迹与魔法—在拉丁语的基督教欧洲的概念及发展趋势) - lecture in German and Chinese

    Klaus Herbers (IKGF)

  • "Eckhart und die Anfänge der deutschen Philosophie im Westlichen Mittelalter" (Eckhart and the Beginnings of the German Philosophy in the Western Middle Ages; Eckhart 和西方中世纪德国哲学的开始) - lecture in German and Chinese

    Loris Sturlese (Lecce)

  • "The Spread of Prognostic Techniques in Contemporary Taiwan – a Statistical Overview" - lecture in English

    Esther-Maria Guggenmos (IKGF)


5. Visit to Qufu

April 10th, 2010

Photo Gallery

              Prof. Dr. Marc Kalinowski - Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris