Research Project


The presence of the present and the managment of the future: The exegetical works of Rupert of Deutz

Miriam Czock

Rupert's of Deutz exegetical works are often understood as a venture into new methods of interpretation that retains older models of monastic thinking. Looking at the implications of the future in Rupert's exegesis, commentators up to now have mainly understood the future as playing a part in his meditation on eschatology. Yet rather than looking at Rupert's theology with a purely eschatological understanding of the future, this project offers a perspectival shift by examining how Rupert's exegesis itself was framed by the future. Such an approach involves considering on the one hand the legitimating power that springs from biblical configurations of the future for Rupert's arguments, and on the other looking at the formations of future that emerge from the frameworks he established. Along these lines the project will look at how Rupert used exegesis as a tool for perceiving and interpreting the future. Moreover, the study will explore the predicitve qualities of exegesis and its strategies for coping with the future as it was foreseen.

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