Prof. Dr. Kai Marchal

Internationales Kolleg für Geisteswissenschaftliche Forschung "Schicksal, Freiheit und Prognose. Bewältigungsstrategien in Ostasien und Europa"
Ulrich-Schalk-Str. 3a
91056 Erlangen

Associate Professor

Home Institution: Department of Philosophy, Soochow University (Taipei, Taiwan)

IKGF Visiting Fellow May 2013 - July 2013

(Last change of profile by end of stay)

IKGF Research Project:

Fate, Contingency, and Self-Assertion in Chinese Modernity. Comparing Mou Zongsan′s and Wang Hui′ s Interpretation of Neo-Confucianism

Curriculum Vitae

Kai Marchal studied Sinology (Classical and Modern) and Philosophy at the university of Heidelberg and received his Ph.D. degree (Sinology/Philosophy) in 2006 with a dissertation on the political-philosophical thought of Lü Zuqian (1137-1181), from the university of Munich. He has studied and worked in Paris and Beijing for several years and serves now as Associate Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Soochow University (Taipei). He is also co-director of the Center of Chinese Philosophy at Soochow University.

His main fields of interest and research are the history and intellectual traditions of Neo-Confucianism, modes of political thinking in traditional China, the history and methodology of Chinese philosophy, twentieth-century Chinese thought (especially modern transformations of Neo-Confucian teachings by Mou Zongsan and others), comparative political theory, contemporary political theory. His published work includes articles on various topics in the history of Chinese thought , on modern Chinese thought, but also on Western philosophy.

Selected Publications

Books and Editions

  • Kai Marchal, Die Aufhebung des Politischen – Lü Zuqian und der Aufstieg des Neukonfuzianismus, Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Publisher, October 2011;


  • 〈儒家傳統、自由主義、哲學競賽 :對跨文化政治哲學的幾點意見〉[Confucian Tradition, Liberalism, Philosophical Agon: SomeReflections on Cross-Cultural Political Philosophy] (Paper in Chinese, 28 pages), in 《中國哲學研究之新方向──中大哲學系創系六十周年紀念、唐君毅百歲冥壽暨新亞書院六十周年院慶國際學術研討會》[New Directions in Chinese Philosophy. Volume of the International Conference on Chinese Philosophy and Tang Junyi in May 2009] (Hong Kong Chinese University) (review process completed);
  • 〈超出世俗理性 :從泰勒(Charles Taylor)到朱熹以及牟宗三〉[Beyond Secular Reason: From Charles Taylor to Zhu Xi and Mou Zongsan], in Chen Lai 陳來, Zhu Jieren 朱杰人, eds., 《人文與價值 :朱子學國際學術研討會 - 暨朱子誕辰880 周年紀年會論文集》[Culture and Value: Conference Volume of the 2010 International Conference on Zhu Xi] (Shanghai: Huadong shifan 華東師範大學出版社), 2011, pp. 552-574;
  • "Zhu Xi und das Problem der Sprache," in: Daniel Leese, Marc Nürnberger, Christian Soffel, eds., Sprache und Wirklichkeit in China. Jahrbuch der Deutschen Vereinigung für China-Studien (vol. 7) (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Publisher), 2011, pp. 79-98;
  • 〈論呂祖謙、朱熹的諫君思想與其政治哲學內涵〉[On Lü Zuqian′s and Zhu Xi′s Remonstrances and Some Politico-Philosophical Implications], 《江南文化研究》[Research in Jiangnan Culture, Special Number on Lü Zuqian and Zhedong] (Beijing: Xueyuan chubanshe), 2006, pp. 110-129;


  • "Der Wissensbegriff in der chinesischen Philosophie," in: Thomas Bonk, ed., Lexikon der Erkenntnistheorie, Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, to appear in 2013 (co-authored with Philippe Brunozzi);
  • "Moral Emotions, Awareness, and Spiritual Freedom in Zhu Xi (1130-1200)," Asian Philosophy, vol. 23, no. 3 (August 2013), forthcoming;
  • "The Virtues, Moral Inwardness, and the Challenge of Modernity," critical essay on Stephen C. Angle's Sagehood: The Contemporary Significance of Neo-Confucian Philosophy (Oxford: OUP, 2009), to appear in Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Special Issue on Sagehood, forthcoming;
  • "The Virtues of Justice in Zhu Xi," chapter in Virtue Ethics and Confucianism, eds. Michael A. Slote and Stephan C. Angle (London: Routledge, forthcoming) (invited);
  • "Moralgesetz, Lebenszusammenhänge und die Verborgenheit eines liberalen Gemeinwesens. Überlegungen zum Projekt des zeitgenössischen Neokonfuzianismus," Polylog. Forum for Intercultural Philosophy, no. 26 (special number on Neo-Confucianism and Political Philosophy, ed. by Fabian Heubel), 2011, pp. 5-18;
  • 〈論朱熹的實踐哲學 :從新亞里斯多德主義以及德性倫理學談起〉[Zhu Xi′s Practical Philosophy in the Light of Neo-Aristotelianism and Virtue Ethics], in Wang Wensheng 汪文聖, ed.,《漢語哲學新視域》 [New Perspectives for Philosophy in Chinese Language] (Taibei: Xueshengshuju 學生書局), 2011, pp. 395-428;
  • "Lü Zuqian′s Political Philosophy", chapter in: John Makeham, ed., Dao Companion to Neo-Confucian Philosophy (Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York: Springer), April 2010, pp. 197-223 (invited);
  • 〈歷史性、哲學與現代性的命運 :勞思光的《中國哲學史》與列奧‧施特勞斯〉[Historicity, Philosophy and the Fate of Modernity: Lao Sze-kwang′s History of Chinese Philosophy and Leo Strauss], 《國立政治大學哲學學報》[NCCU Philosophical Journal] (vol. 20), July 2008, pp. 51-104; also in Liu Guoying 劉國英, Wu Zhixue 伍至學, Lin Biling 林碧玲, eds.,《萬戶千門任卷舒 :勞思光先生八十華誕祝壽論文集》[Festschrift for the 80th Birthday of Lao Sze-kwang] (Hong Kong: Chinese University Press), 2010, pp. 217-256;
  • 〈動物性、文化批判、苦惱的意識 :樂唯的莊子詮釋〉[Animality, Cultural Criticism, Unhappy Consciousness: On Jean Lévi′s Interpretation of the Zhuangzi], 《中國文哲研究通訊》[Newsletter of the Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy] (Special Number on the French Zhuangzi, 18:4), December 2008, pp. 101-114;
  • 〈中國的施特勞斯思想旨趣〉[On Leo Strauss Studies in China],《中國圖書評論》[Chinese Book Reviews] (October 2008, pp. 76-82); also in Xu Jian 徐戩, ed.,《古今之爭與文明自覺 :中國語境中的施特勞斯》[The Quarrel between the Ancients and the Moderns and the Self-Consciousness of Chinese Civilization: Leo Strauss in China] (Shanghai: Huadong Shifan daxue chubanshe 華東師範大學出版社), 2010, pp. 152-168 (under the new title〈哲人的自由、哲人的沉默 :施特勞斯與中國哲學〉);
  • "Die ′eigentlich konfuzianische Verschärfung′ – Leo Strauss und China," minima sinica 2007/1, pp. 1-14;
  • "Über eine mögliche Verstaatlichung des Absoluten – Einige Gedanken zu Hegels Begriff des Staates zwischen Naturrechtsaufsatz und Phänomenologie des Geistes", Hēgeru tetsugaku kenkyū ヘーゲル哲学研究 (Tokyo), 10 (2004), pp. 123-137;
  • 〈在形而上學與政治哲學之間 - 從西方漢學之角度重新探討王弼的易學〉[Between Metaphysics and Politics – Once Again on Wang Bi′s Yijing Studies], 《人文雜誌》[Humanities Journal] (2004:4), pp. 59-63;
  • "Machtkämpfe und Tyrannenmord – Zur Theorie des Souveräns in Wang Bis (226-249) Yijing - Exegese", Asiatische Studien/EtudesAsiatiques LVII-4 (2003), pp. 55-85;

Review Articles

  • "Sébastien Billioud, Thinking Through Confucian Modernity. A Study of Mou Zongsan's Moral Metaphysics (Brill, 2011)," Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy, Vol. 12:2 (June 2013), pp. 241-245;
  • 〈雷敦龢的老子新英文譯本〉,載《東吳哲學學報》(第二十四期,8/2011),頁131-139;
  • "Christian Meyer, Ritendiskussionen am Hof der nördlichen Song-Dynastie 1034–1093. Zwischen Ritengelehrsamkeit, Machtkampf und intellektuellen Bewegungen (Sankt Augustin/Nettetal: Steyler Verlag / Monumenta Serica, 2007)," The Journal of Sung-Yuan Studies, Vol. 39 (2009), pp. 243-246;
  • "Hilde de Weerdt, Competition over Content – Negotiating Standards for the Civil Service Examinations in Imperial China (1127-1279) (Harvard 2007)," Journal of Chinese Studies 49 《中國文化研究所學報》 (2009) (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), pp. 511-518;
  • "Olaf Graf, Tao und Jen, Sein und Sollen im sungchinesischen Monismus (Wiesbaden, 1970)," in: Database of Research on Chinese Philosophy in Foreign Languages: German and in: Chinesische Philosophie in Deutschland (preliminary title), ed. by Fabian Heubel (et al.), forthcoming;
  • "Ein Klassiker in einer neuen Welt," Review Article of Yu Yingshi 余英時, Zhu Xi de lishi shijie《朱熹的歷史世界》 (Taibei: Yunchen, 2003), Asiatische Studien/Etudes Asiatiques, LVIII-4 (2004), pp. 995-1011;